We are certain that a majority of parents must repeatedly remind their children to do their revision or homework. Unbeknownst to most parents, this will only cause the children to become dependent on their reminders. In other words, they will tend to procrastinate until the reminding starts!
Here are 3 tips on how you can help your children transform into independent learners:
Tip 1: Goal setting
Help your children set goals that are meaningful to them, instead of focusing on grades. For instance, if your child’s ultimate goal is to master a language, he or she can start by setting a small goal – For example, speaking Mandarin during 3 days of the week at home! These small little wins will boost their confidence to strive to achieve bigger goals!
Tip 2: Looking for help!
Help your children to understand what help they would need in order to achieve their goals. Start by asking your child to evaluate their current progress and have a discussion on the possible ways they can seek help. For example, would joining a tuition group be beneficial for them? Will they be able to catch up learning in a group setting? If not, could private tuition be an option?
These discussions are great for honing your children analytical and problem-solving skills where they learn to brainstorm for solutions to solve problems that they may be facing!
Tip 3: Nurturing self-belief
Encourage your children to challenge negative thinking. For example, if you hear them saying things such as “I can never do as well as John because I am stupid.”, provide a counter argument to help your children rephrase their thoughts appropriately: “Is that true? John stays back in school every day to clarify doubts with his teachers. Besides that, you aced your previous examination. I think you do have the potential to do just as well, or even achieve better grades than John!”
Positive results breed internal motivation and confidence. Hence, it is important for parents to learn that soft skills (such as motivation and confidence) come hand-in-hand with IQ when it comes to preparing a child for success. To put it simply, merely focusing on your child’s academics will never be the secret to achieving success. A holistic development for your child includes EQ development, where they hone soft skills that can compliment what they learn in school.
For the month of October, we will be teaching your children how they can overcome self-doubt and independently motivate themselves to become proactive learners, as well as how they can set personalised goals that are meaningful to them!
If you would like to learn more about how we can help your children develop these skills, feel free to contact us at:
Phone: +65 9061 1715
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