

3 Oct 2022

Consider this example – Tom and Jerry are both learning how to swim. Tom learns how to swim by watching swimming tutorial videos every day, while Jerry practices swimming in a pool every day. Who do you think would become the better swimmer?

Holiday Camp in Singapore is gaining popularity!

There is strong evidence that practical, outdoor learning adds much more value to theoretical, indoor classroom learning. This hands-on learning experience deepens an individual’s understanding of the concepts that span traditional subject boundaries, which can be difficult to teach effectively using traditional classroom methods alone. It also provides a context for learning in many areas, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, as well as interpersonal skills.

These personal and social skills are otherwise known as ‘soft skills’. Soft skills are becoming increasingly important, especially in the globalized world that we live in today. Young learners are intensely curious and should be given the opportunity to explore the world around them. The potential for learning is maximized if we use the powerful combination of physical, visual and naturalistic ways of learning as well as our linguistic intelligence. Therefore, this is the reason behind the rise of the demand for holiday camps for kids that incorporate outdoor learning.

The average Holiday camp in Singapore is gaining in popularity due to the gradual shift in Singaporean parents’ understanding and acceptance of providing holistic learning opportunities for their children, rather than putting complete emphasis on developing academic achievements.

So, what exactly are the educational benefits of these holiday camps for kids? With a well-planned program, these holiday camps can nurture kids in the following aspects:

• Improve academic achievement
• Nurture creativity
• Develop interpersonal skills
• Develop communication skills
• Hone critical and spontaneous thinking skills
• Stimulate, inspire and improve motivation
• Improve young learner’s attitudes to learning

Hence, it is extremely important that every young person experiences the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, regardless of their age, ability, or circumstances. We live in a digitalized world where information and resources are readily available on the internet. Therefore to stand out and remain competitive in school or at the workplace, it is essential for us and our children to develop our emotional intelligence.

If you are looking for holiday camps for kids, look no further! Speech Academy Asia is the first to launch our very own comprehensive holiday camp in Singapore, a fun and intensive two-day workshop that develops children’s confidence and communication skills, transforming them into masters of public speaking. Besides that, our award-winning outdoor activities are also incorporated into these holiday camps to hone their leadership skills.

We hope that you find this article informative and useful. Feel free to drop us a call or an email to learn more about our fun and enriching holiday camps for kids!

Good luck and have fun!

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